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PanAfrican> Religion
Web Links “And what does the LORD require of you but to 'do justice', and to 'love mercy', and to 'walk humbly' with your God?” (Micah 6:8) A similar list is found in the gospel of Matthew 23: 23, where Jesus declares the “weightier matters of the law: justice, mercy, and faithfulness.” 'Do Justice’ addresses the systemic problems that create injustice, the systems, not the victims. We oppose systems of conquest, oppression, injustice, conflict, plunder, theft, rape, murder, immorality, destruction, exploitation and systems that generate and maintain wars, genocide, slavery, cultural and economic exploitation, destruction and debilitation of other people and the environment. 'Do Justice' is not the same as mercy and the distinction is important. For example, a mercy response to homelessness involves food programs and shelters. A ‘do justice‘ response takes action to address the underlying questions: Why are there so many homeless people in our community? Why are many families unable to afford a decent place to live? Why are so many people with mental health problems ending up on the streets? Mercy helps individuals, justice holds systems accountable. When this distinction is understood, the failure to do justice appears obvious. And, there is a good reason for this: none of us, on our own, have enough power to do it successfully. This power can come from two sources: organized people and organized money. We don’t have the money that major economic and political systems possess, so we must organize large numbers of people to 'Do Justice'.The fifth chapter of Nehemiah is a great example of God’s people organizing in large numbers to 'Do Justice'. ‘Love Mercy’ seeks to help individual survivors of injustice. It helps individuals with immediate needs and includes programs like mentoring, tutoring, food pantries, counseling, etc. ‘Walk Humbly' with your God (Faithfulness) includes those things that encourage us to be faithful to God such as worship, studies, prayer, etc.
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  Link   This Far By Faith
This Far By Faith examines the African-American religious experience through the last three centuries. Most Africans, however, came from societies with traditional African religious backgrounds, unrelated to Islam or Christianity.
  Link   Ray Hagins: What Makes Religion So Powerful.
He has a ton of information on African history, culture, religion, etc. Everyone can learn from his station regardless of how much you already know.
  Link   Christianity and shackles of the African mind: Part One …time to reclaim our religion and culture
Christianity imposed an alternate foreign religion totally at variance with our way of life. We posit that Christianity was less to do with saving souls and more to do with shackling the African mind.
  Link   Religion as Opium of the People
Karl Marx, a German philosopher, analysis and critique of religion "Religion is the opium of the Masses"is perhaps one of the most famous and most quoted by theist and atheist alike.
  Link   Religion or: Mass mind control systems or: The Abrahamic religions of destruction
A religion is an organized collection of beliefs, cultural systems, and world views that relate humanity to an order of existence
  Link   The Horrible Truth About Religion
Religion is designed to focus the people's attention and energy on a single, unchanging, uncompromising and invisible supreme being who allegedly created an inferior human race just for some extra companionship and love for himself and then supposedl
  Link   Orgin and History of Religion - Anthony Browder on The Rock Newman Show
Famed "Cultural Memory Specialist" Anthony Browder visits The Rock Newman Show again! Expert on the subject, Anthony Browder takes us back to Ancient Kemet. To remember the people, their culture, their Greatness and their indelible impact on the Worl
  Link   Call To Do Justice
Community Excel Religion is dedicated to God's "Call to do Justice" in our communities: "Give justice to the poor and the orphan; Uphold the rights of the oppressed and the destitute. Rescue the poor and helpless; Deliver them from the grasp of evil
  Link   Tony Browder Part 2 on The Rock Newman Show
Egyptologist and "Cultural Memory Specialist" Tony Browder! This episode continues to peel back the layers, revealing very profound truths about ancient Kemet, it's people and how it influenced the most powerful nation the world has ever seen.
  Link   Traditional African Religions - Mark Wells
They are oral rather than scriptural, include belief in a supreme being, belief in spirits and other divinities, veneration of ancestors, use of magic, and traditional medicine. Harmonizing nature with the supernatural
  Link   The Science of Vodun/Voodoo - Professor James Smalls
  Link   7 Vodoun Loas Principals - Pt 2 Of 2 - Prof Bayinnah Bello
  Link   African American Religious Affiliation
87% of Blacks (vs. 83% of all Americans) are affiliated with a religion. It also found that 79 % of Blacks (vs. 56% overall) say that religion is “very important in their life”.
  Link   Stop the killing; The Destruction of the Black mind
The Hon. Louis Farrakhan delivered this subject in Toledo, Ohio at Toledo University before a capacity crowd on April 30, 1994.
  Link   Religion used to create identity crisis
Colonise people without actually putting shackles and chains on them, but through simply feeding them knowledge that denounces their origin. Feed religion, and despite Jesus was not religious, his name was used to enslave the minds of the ignorant.
  Link   African Religions
The Kenyan scholar John Mbiti writes "To live here and now is the most important concern of African religious activities and beliefs. There is neither paradise to be hoped for nor hell to be feared in the hereafter" (Mbiti 1969, pp. 4–5).