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WILSON, Amos N, Ph.D (1941 - 1995)
Web Links Dr.Amos Nelson Wilson (February 23, 1941 — January 14, 1995 was an African-American theoretical psychologist, social theorist, Pan-African thinker, scholar, author and a professor of psychology at the City University of New York. Born in Hattiesburg, Mississippi,Wilson completed his undergraduate degree at the Morehouse College in Atlanta, Georgia, mastered at The New School of Social Research, and attained a PhD degree from Fordham University in New York. Wilson worked as a psychologist, social caseworker, supervising probation officer and as a training administrator in the New York City Department of Juvenile Justice. As an academic, Wilson also taught at City University of New York from 1981 to 1986 and at the College of New Rochelle from 1987 to 1995.
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  Link   Money and Global Power - Dr. Amos Wilson
Value our community and to preserve our community and to serve our community. #BlackOnBlackCrime will only be solved if we do these things as a nation.
  Link   You Reap What You Sow - Dr Amos Wilson Lecture 1
Dr Amos Wilson Lecture 1(BETTER AUDIO) | You Reap What You Sow
  Link   You Reap What You Sow - Amos Wilson, PhD
  Link   Critical Analysis and the Application of Power - Dr. Amos N. Wilson
Critical thinking is truly what we need.Thank you Dr. Wilson for your inexhaustible effort to teach our people all the way to your grave. Your knowledge and wisdom to free us in the mind, spirit and our pockets will go in vain.
  Link   ECONOMICS: The Economic Psychology of African Nationalism - Dr. Amos Wilson
Amos N. Wilson | The Economic Psychology of African Nationalism (1/25/1987)
  Link   Developing the Undeveloped African Mind, Part 1 - Dr. Amos N. Wilson
This lecture attempts to "operationally define" an African-centered (relevant) education. The lecture is only general, of course, and much of what it covers will be dealt with in greater detail in the soon-to-be-published book, Educating the Black Ch
  Link   Africans in the New World Order - Dr. Amos N. Wilson
Dr. Amos Wilson is so deep that when he speak my heart feel Sad for I know with what little knowledge I got I Know I should be out doing more to fight for our survival. This is our wake up call lets not let our leaders die in vain.
  Link   Foundations for a Psychotherapeutic Black Psychology - Dr. Amos N. Wilson
  Link   Effectuating a Revolutionary Psychotherapeutic Psychology - Dr. Amos N. Wilson
The second half of this lecture details some of Wilson's rationales and objectives for his book on psychotherapeutic psychology, as well as for African/black psychology in general.
  Link   Total War - Dr. Amos Wilson
  Link   Listervelt Middleton's - A Discussion With Dr Amos Wilson
  Link   Blueprint for Black Power - Amos Wilson, PhD
We’re covering Psychology, we covering History, Sociology, and a great deal of Political Science, a great deal of Economics and related fields, and Anthropology and so forth, because all of these have to be combined, in the process of Nation building
  Link   EDUCATION: Educating the Black Child for the Twenty-First Century - Amos N. Wilson
  Link   EDUCATION: Black Education Forum - Amos N Wilson
  Link   Awakening the Natural Genius of Black Children - Dr. Amos N. Wilson
  Link   The Negro Assimilationist - Dr. Amos Wilson
  Link   How to use History to Change Our Future pt 2 - Amos Wilson, PhD
Dr. Amos in THE most brilliant psychologist in history. White European psychology and psychiatry pale against his knowledge Because White European psychology and psychiatry was invented to destroy Africans˙
  Link   How to use History to Change Our Future pt 1 - Amos Wilson, PhD
Dr. Amos in THE most brilliant psychologist in history. White European psychology and psychiatry pale against his knowledge Because White European psychology and psychiatry was invented to destroy Africans˙
  Link   Issues of Identity Crisis in the Black Community, Myth or Reality? - Amos Wilson, PhD
  Link   Developing an Afrikan centered Psychology of Liberation - Amos N Wilson
  Link   EDUCATION: Special Education Agenda Unhooded - Dr. Amos N. Wilson
Amos N. Wilson | Special Education: Its Special Agenda Unhooded
  Link   Amos N. Wilson | Riot or Revolt? Urban Responses to White Hegemony
  Link   DR. AMOS N. WILSON - Black Education Forum
Understanding The KEMETIC Education System (Ancient Egypt). We need to restore the excitement for learning.
  Link   State of the Black Race - Amos Wilson, PhD
There has been a steady increase in the share of Americans who view racism as a big problem in the U.S. – especially among African Americans.
  Link   Development of the Black Child - Amos Wilson, PhD
The growth, development, and education of the black child; deals exclusively with the physical and psychosocial development of the black child, in a scholarly but readily understandable way, forthrightly confronts these and other issues.
  Link   ECONOMICS: The Psychology of Co operative Economics - Dr. Amos Wilson
  Link   DR. AMOS N. WILSON - Economics and Afrikan Nationalism
  Link   DR. AMOS N. WILSON - Stolen Property -The Spiritman Black Dollers
Blacks keep calling men like Dr. Wilson prophets and visionaries. The fact is they're scholars, who READ and researched racism, the American economy, and Black history.
  Link   DR. AMOS N. WILSON - The Psychology of Self-Hatred and Self-Defeat, Part 1
  Link   DR. AMOS N. WILSON - The Psychology of Self-Hatred and Self-Defeat, Part 2
Black-on-Black Violence: The Psychodynamics of Black Self-annihilation in Service of White Domination
  Link   Black on Black Violence - AMOS WILSON PhD
Psychodynamics of black self annihilation in service of white domination." The sociopolitical necessity of black criminality; Quantifying a myth: Statistics and black criminality; American society crimogenic society.
  Link   DR. AMOS WILSON - Blueprint For Black Power
A Moral, Political, and Economic Imperative for the Twenty-First Century
  Link   DR. AMOS WILSON -The Public School to Prison Pipeline
Dr. Wilson availed himself for numerous appearances at educational, cultural and political organizations such as the First World Alliance, the Afrikan Poetry Theatre, Afrikan Echoes, House of Our Lord Church, the Patrice Lumumba Coalition, the Slave
  Link   DR. AMOS WILSON - You Reap What You Sow
We are most apathetic in those areas that if we were not, we would challenge the authorities. Black on Black violence, Dr. Wilson connects the dots between psychological conscious, falsified history, economic castration, miseducation and domination.
  Link   DR. AMOS WILSON - Issues of Identity Crisis in the Black Community, Myth or Reality?
  Link   DR. AMOS WILSON - The Falsification of Afrikan Consciousness
  Link   DR. AMOS WILSON - Uplifting African Consciousness
09/11/94 - Dr. Amos Wilson speaks on the state and nature of the problems facing the wider communities of black people and the importance of addressing and uplifting Afrikan consciousness as a prerequisite for dealing with these issues.
  Link   DR. AMOS WILSON - The Crisis of Black Leadership
The Crisis of Black Leadership "We need military scientists. If you've never studied military science, tomorrow morning, you should go to a book store and pick up some books.'The Art of War'.serious books!" - The Crisis of Black Leadership
  Link   DR. AMOS WILSON - Feel Good History: A Critical Analysis -
Dr. Amos Wilson speaks at an African Echoes event giving a critical analysis of what he terms "feel good" history, or the story we are told versus the actual reality of events as recorded in all records of the past.
  Link   DR. AMOS WILSON - Destruction Of The Black Family
You’ve got a lot of people who want to lay all of this on family values and the absence of old time religion and things of this nature. And while that’s a part of the mix, you cannot just blame this all on the loss of family values. People don’t eat
  Link   DR. AMOS WILSON - African American Literature Book Club Biography
He was born in Hattiesburg, MS, on 02/23/1941. He completed his undergraduate degree at the Morehouse College in Atlanta, GA, mastered at The New School for Social Research, and attained a Ph.D. degree from Fordham University in New York.
  Link   DR. AMOS WILSON - European Historiography and Oppression Exposed
Afrikan people all around the world come to grips with the European system of Oppression and Domination and how it impacts them; how we as Afrikans perpetuate oppression and domination as victims of the tentacles of white supremacy.
  Link   DR. AMOS WILSON - The Political Psychology of Black Consciousness
This lecture makes up the third and final installment of Amos Wilson’s, Falsification of Afrikan Consciousness series.this final lecture,highlights a path to the process of the Afrikan reclaiming his proper psychological consciousness.