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Health: Our Foods
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  Link   BAD FOODS - 12 Bad Foods by Dr Peter Glidden, ND
The 12 Bad Foods to avoid for optimum health. Eliminate and your digestive system begins to work more efficiently. All chronic diseases are directly related to nutrient deficiencies, it's vital to ensure your digestive system is working best.
  Link   BAD FOODS - Our Unsafe Food Supply is Killing Us
The big problem is processed food. We’re being killed not by E. coli, salmonella, or campylobacter, but the nutritionally hollow contents of the bags, boxes, and fast-food clamshells that pass as nourishment.
  Link   BAD FOODS - Nine (9) Ways That Processed Foods Are Slowly Killing People
Processed foods are bad. They are the main reason why people all over the world are getting fat and sick. How do we know? Every time a population adopts a “Western” diet high in processed foods, they get sick. It happens within a few years. Their gen
  Link   BAD FOODS - Acrylamide in Food and Cancer Risk
A series of case-control studies have investigated the relationship between dietary intake of acrylamide and the risk of developing cancers of the oral cavity, pharynx, esophagus, larynx, large bowel, kidney, breast, and ovary
  Link   BAD FOODS - Why are fried foods terrible for your health?
Just as a car needs good clean oil to run efficiently and not break down, your body needs food that can be digested properly and not clog the one and only "machine" you have for your entire Life.
  Link   BAD FOODS - Canola Oil - Danger !!!???
Canola is not the name of a natural plant but a made-up word, from the words "CANadian Oil Low Acid". Canola is a genetically engineered plant developed in Canada from the Rapeseed Plant, which is part of the mustard family of plants.
  Link   EGGS_20 Reasons to Start Your Morning with Eggs
Many of us opt for egg whites over whole eggs because word on the street is that the yolk contains too much cholesterol and raises the risk of heart disease. The thing is, nutrition scientists now know that isn’t really the case. 2015 Dietary Guideli
  Link   FRIED FOODS_Why are fried foods terrible for your health?
Fried foods damage your body and brain in many different ways, and it's not just a long term consequence, but a short term detriment as well. Just as a car needs good clean oil to run efficiently and not break down, your body needs food that can be d
  Link   FRIED FOODS are Too Fatty and Unhealthy
Although your taste buds might be fond of fried foods, you should be careful not to make them a major staple of your diet. The frying process adds tons of calories and fat grams to meals, and it’s easy to overeat when you snack on unhealthy fried foo
  Link   GLOBAL FOOD SYSTEM - The Top 5 Problems with the Global Food System
Our current food system is rife with inequalities and issues that prevent adequate food security for all, and have consequences for individuals as well as our global environment. Here are the top five problems with the global food system.
  Link   GLOBAL FOOD SYSTEM - The 10 Biggest Issues With the Global Food System
Concentration of power, land, wealth, and political influence in the hands of a few large players who have gamed the system for their benefit. Here are the biggest issues, as we see them, followed by suggestions for what you can do about them.
  Link   GRAPES - Top 12 Health Benefits of Eating Grapes
Grapes contain several important nutrients, powerful plant compounds that benefit your health. Low glycemic index and don’t appear to raise blood sugar levels. Antioxidants, such as resveratrol protect against cancer, heart disease and diabetes.
  Link   PECANS_10 Health Benefits of Pecans: Why They Are Good for You
Pecans (19 halves, 193 calories per serving) rank among the top 15 foods with the highest levels of antioxidants. Pecans are a powerhouse of vitamins and minerals such as manganese, potassium, calcium, iron, magnesium, zinc, and selenium.
  Link   If only poor people understood nutrition!
The reality is that people who don’t have enough money (or the utilities and storage) to buy and prepare decent food in decent quantities, cannot (and should not) be arsed to worry about the finer nuances of nutrition.
  Link   What’s Wrong With Our Food? Quantity Or Quality?
The quantity of food can make you fat, but it's the quality of the food that will make you sick. And sick is where the money goes. Diabetes, high blood pressure, lipid problems, heart disease, fatty liver disease, cancer, dementia. The diseases that
  Link   Pure Food and Drug Act of 1906
On June 30th, 1906, President Theodore Roosevelt signed the Pure Food and Drug Act into law. The scientific mind behind the legislation was Dr. Harvey W. Wiley (1844-1930), Chief Chemist of the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Bureau of Chemistry who
  Link   Why Getting Your Nutrition Only from Food is A Bad Idea
10 Reasons You Should Take Supplements:(1)You Eat Crap a Standard American Diet (2)Soil Depletion (3)Water Depletion (4)Low Calorie Diets Are Low Nutrient Diets (6)Grain-fed Meat & Cooked/Conventional Dairy (9) Supplementation May Help You Live Longe
  Link   Breeding the Nutrition Out of Our Food by Dr. Mercola
The nutritional content of the conventional food supply has been rapidly declining for the last 50 years as a natural consequence of increasingly poor soil conditions on modern farms, and it is getting worse.
  Link   50 Jawdroppingly Toxic Food Ingredients & Artificial Additives to Avoid
ence. Most of the foods on our shelves also contain chemicals and additives that are known to harm either the human body or laboratory animals. If they harm animals, they can harm you too. Most of the ingredients that you should avoid fall into one o
  Link   Sugar: The Secrets of Sugar
The Secrets of Sugar - The Fifth Estate - CBC News:
  Link   Tran Fats
Eating Trans Fats increase the risk of developing heart disease,stroke and type 2 diabetes.

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