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Home> Black Church in Community
Web Links The Rev. Barbara Williams-Skinner speaks during a demonstration by Christian leaders opposing President Trump’s proposed budget at the U.S. Capitol.
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  Link   Todays Churches Enslaved to Incorporationism, 501c3
But what are most churches doing in America today? They are being controlled and intimidated by incorporationism--specifically, the 501c3 section of the Internal Revenue Code of the IRS.
  Link   The Role and Importance of the Church in the Community - Gilford T. Monrose, Pastor
The role of the modern church in the life of the 21st-century believer is critical because it fills a void only the church can. Church is where people should go if they are in need of a “spiritual fix.”
  Link   What Local Churches Can Do
Local churches and all communities of faith must become better informed about the needs of the public schools in their communities and in the country as a whole. They can then counter the widespread misinformation now abroad, and work together to sup
  Link   How Black Christians are stalling Black liberation - Roni Dean-Burren, PhD
The fight for the liberation of Black people presents the Black church with clear opportunities to partner with community organizers and activists to work towards our collective freedom. Instead, the Black church often act as an anti-liberation agent