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  Link   The American Church’s Complicity in Racism: A Conversation with Jemar Tisby
Though certain figures and movements did join the struggle against slavery, segregation, and violence at various times and places, the majority of white American Christendom fell somewhere on the spectrum between open endorsement and quiet acceptance
  Link   What Local Churches Can Do
Local churches and all communities of faith must become better informed about the needs of the public schools in their communities and in the country as a whole. They can then counter the widespread misinformation now abroad, and work together to sup
  Link   Why are Young People Leaving the Black Church?
  Link   In Changing Neighborhoods, Black Churches Face an Identity Crisis
Fifty years after "white flight," a new population shift is emptying the pews of African American congregations.
  Link   A Resurrection of the Black Church in Local Politics
The 2012 presidential election has raised a challenge for several different interest groups regarding the role of faith communities dominated by people of color. But none has been more publicly courted by policy and political initiatives than the Bla
  Link   The Black Church Relevance in the 21st Century?
Regardless of the small success of a few, by and large, black America is in an acute crisis. Disproportionately, we rank at the top in crime, murders, drug abuse, unemployment, incarceration, poverty, education deficiencies, and HIV/AIDS cases.
  Link   The Myth of the Black Church
The civil rights movement entered our home through the televised images of black churches opening their doors for political rallies and the funerals of martyrs.
  Link   The Role and Importance of the Church in the Community
Church is where people should go if they are in need of a "spiritual fix." The church is really a hospital for sinners and not an exclusive club for saints.
  Link   The Black Church in Atlanta Politics
Georgia's African American churches have a long history of political involvement,including a crucial role in the civil rights movement and, more recently, an influence on the decisions made by elected public officials in the city of Atlanta
  Link   Todays Churches Enslaved to Incorporationism, 501c3
But not only are so many of today’s pastors and churches enslaved to denominationalism, they are also enslaved to incorporationism. That might not be a real word, but it is a real truth.
  Link   JAMYE WOOTEN - Beyond Prophetic Rhetoric: Jesus and Justice in Practice
When prophetic rhetoric is not connected to just actions, the preacher can become much like a social justice avatar—like an online freedom fighter who advocates for justice one click at a time but never engages in the battle for equality offline.
  Link   BISHOP NOEL JONES - says ‘You can have church and never minister'
Bishop Noel Jones preaches at the Holy Ghost Headquarters in Philadelphia California megachurch pastor Bishop Noel Jones has taken a dig at the black church for not fulfilling its role in the community.
  Link   Leadership crisis in black community - Jeff Johnson
Jeff Johnson,award-winning journalist, author and motivational speaker, believes leadership consists of three main institutions in the community — the black church, black electorate and civil and social organizations.
  Link   The Power of the Pulpit: Black Pastors and Social Justice
Historically, the “Black Church” has been a voice for social justice and outspoken concerning injustices, whether the injustice occurred in the pews or politics
  Link   Black Prophetic Fire - Dr. Cornel West -
Deceived, but still wanted to be honest as Du Bois, as Douglas, as Ida B. Wells, as Ella Baker, as Martin and Malcolm. Not perfect, but exemplary figures of integrity, honesty and decency; an example for all of us, regardless of color, sexual orienta
  Link   The Role of the Black Church in Creating Change
The black church has been a place for creating individual, systemic, and political change within the black community. So often in our community, we hear what is supposed be done, what we should or should not do, but do not see a comprehensive guide t
  Link   Today's Black Pastors are Failing the Black Communities
"Black churches are different for a variety of reasons. One, is the need to address the social, political, the cultural and economic ramifications of anti-black racism in the United States," explains Dr. Anthony Pinn, professor of Religious Studies a
  Link   The Black Church and Social Justice, It’s Time to Say Something and Do Something
Jesus Christ was a radical. He challenged the religious authority, spoke truth to power, and defied one of the most powerful empires in history.
  Link   Directions for Activism - Dr. Cornel West
“DuBois put it best when he wrote, ‘How shall integrity face oppression? What shall honesty do in the face of deception, decency in the face of insult,’ and ‘what shall virtue do to meet brute force?’” West said.
  Link   "Is the Black Church Dead?": Video
The State of Black Church in Los Angeles
  Link   “Mans Up” to Address Black Youth Crisis
Writer Wil LaVeist went behind the scenes at a church to see how its mentoring programs worked to restore young, black positive men.
  Link   Dr. Cornel West - Intellectual Vocation and Political Struggle in the Trump Moment
“DuBois put it best when he wrote, ‘How shall integrity face oppression? What shall honesty do in the face of deception, decency in the face of insult,’ and ‘what shall virtue do to meet brute force?’” Dr.Cornel West said at Dartmouth College 04/27/2
  Link   The New Jim Crow -- with Cornel West
Dr. Cornel West's spirited challenge to the "New Jim Crow" in the All Saints Rector's Forum. Inspired by Michelle Alexander's book "The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness," All Saints Church, Pasadena, on Sunday,02/03/2012.
  Link   The Black Church is Dead
The Black Church, as we've known it or imagined it, is dead. Of course, many African Americans still go to church. Eight Seven percent (87%) of African Americans identify with a religious group and 79 percent say that religion is very important in th
  Link   The New Jim Crow, at Union Theological Seminary - Michelle Alexander, Ph.D
Matthew 25:40 And "The King will reply, 'Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.' "It's Our time to stand with the Despised, the Accused, the Convicted, the Least of Theses"
  Link   The White Church Has Been a Steady Oppressor
The introduction of ”Christianity” into what we now call ‘North America’ was genocidal by nature. The religion was offered to indigenous tribes and African slaves as the only alternative to being killed, and they were often enslaved and killed anyway
  Link   The Truth about the Black Church
A methodical case is made against black megachurches, detailing how they’ve acted as predatory leaches on the Christian black community. Instead of using black dollars to build the black community, mega-churches use those dollars to build a brand, wh
  Link   Confronting Truths About White Supremacy: Why I’m Writing a Book About Black Catholics and Systemic Racism
The U.S. Catholic Church is as an “ultra-White space” because Catholic institutions exist as intentional White spaces while purporting to be cosmopolitan canopies.
  Link   Building the Black Community
The creation of autonomous black churches was a major achievement of the Reconstruction era, and a central component of blacks' conception of freedom.
  Link   Some Positive Benefits Churches Bring to Communities
Churches, surely, have contributed to the success of America by encouraging virtue, but social science research has also shown that churches provide direct and indirect economic and social benefits
  Link   What is African American Religion? - Eddie S. Glaude Jr. PhD
Africans-in-America' religion not the idolatrous embrace of Christian doctrine which justified the superiority of white people and the subordination of black people. It embraces the liberating power of Jesus’s example that we are all children of God.
  Link   Systematic Inequality How America's Structural Racism Helped Create the Black-White Wealth Gap
Wealth—the measure of an individual’s or family’s financial net worth—provides all sorts of opportunities for American families. Wealth makes it easier for people to seamlessly transition between jobs, move to new neighborhoods, and respond in emerge
  Link   Why Are Black People Obsessed With The Bible That Was Used To Enslave Them? By Jean Gasho
As a person who always thought deeply about things, it was crystal clear to me that half of the bible was very disturbing to the human mind. If today people lived by the bible rules from Genesis to Revelation, they would be deemed mentally unstable,
  Link   How Religious Conservatives Are Grappling with Racism
  Link   African Religion vs Spirituality
  Link   The power of the pulpit and the church
Every day, the church must use all its power, spiritual and otherwise, to work for the good of the gospel, says the Rev. Zan Holmes Jr.
  Link   How Pastors Get Rich Off God's People
This article exposes the secret methods certain pastors use to get rich off God’s people. Have you ever wondered how some pastors start a church and then become wealthy living in flash houses and driving luxury cars?
  Link   5 facts about the religious lives of African Americans
While most Africans brought to the New World to be slaves were not Christians when they arrived, many of them and their descendants embraced Christianity, finding comfort in the Biblical message of spiritual equality and deliverance.
  Link   "Do Justice"
Religion brings communities together to meet God's requirement to "Do Justice, Love Mercy, and Walk Humbly with God" in our communities: "Give justice to the poor and the orphan; Uphold the rights of the oppressed and the destitute.
  Link   7 Political Issues That The Black Church Has Been Silent About
History has shown us that morality cannot be legislated. It may be tempting to certain individuals to solve America’s moral decline with partisan politics, but the real solution is the Gospel.
  Link   Restoring the Social Justice Identity of the Black Church - ROBERT S. HARVEY
In the days of past, the clarion call and mission of the black church was two-fold: it served as a beacon of hope for the lost-soul seeking grace and mercy, but it also functioned as an oasis for all issues affecting the community.
  Link   Exposing The Tithe Lie
Though I’ve always struggled with the tithe, I still shook my head in disgust when I heard about the preacher who’s congregation quietly left the church during the prayer following a long sermon on tithing. He said "Amen", looked up and cried out "ha