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African-America> Religion
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  Link   Insidious Sovereignty of God Belief Makes Powerless Victims
The sovereignty of God is one of those theological ideas that causes some significant challenges in the lives of believers. The idea that “God is in control” seems like it honors God because many mistakenly think that absolute control over everything
  Link   Jesus Explained - Dr. John Henrik Clarke and Ishakamusa Barashango African Spiritual Concepts
  Link   African traditional religion versus Christianity
Christianity in Africa and in most parts of Africa (even in India) was a precursor of colonisation.The Bible was used as a tool to pacify Africans and to make them docile.
  Link   Contradictions that spoil African Traditional Religion
While every family member can pray directly through the departed ancestral spirits, this is in times of unforeseen crisis only, otherwise the prayer lines require family indabas to agree on purpose, timing, costs and all.
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