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MPEPEREKI, Sheunesu, Prof.
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  Link   Colonisation undermined African Traditional Religion
I do not think we would ever conquer this country, unless we break the very backbone of this nation, which is her spiritual and cultural heritage and therefore, I propose that we replace her old and ancient education system, her culture, for if the A
  Link   Reclaiming our African identity: The key elements
As Africans, we must reclaim our identity and take charge of our own destiny! We owe it to our founding fathers and to our future generations!
  Link   Reclaiming Our African Spiritual Independence: Pt 1
European colonisers used the Christian religion as a pacifying tool, one that brutally demonised and attempted to uproot African spirituality to replace it with a foreign religion which focuses on individual rather than collective/communal interests.
  Link   Reclaiming Our African Spiritual Independence: Pt.2
By nature all men are born into a family which traces its roots back to the Creator through the ancestral line. There is no conversion required here. Our spiritual connections to the creator are natural. We do not need to be converted or convinced.
  Link   Reclaiming Our African Spiritual Independence: Pt.3
Our line of ancestors traces our roots back to the Creator. This is why Africans always refer to their ancestral spirits. The spirit lives on after our physical body dies. Our lineage is African. Western Christianity rejects our African spirituality.
  Link   Reclaiming Our African Spiritual Independence: Pt.4
Western Christianity has relentlessly demonised all things African: Our culture, our foods, our religion. Therefore, it is important to know the facts to stand proud and defend our spiritual independence and sovereignty as Africans.
  Link   Reclaiming Our African Spiritual Independence: Pt.5
Africans recognise the same principle of intercession as envisaged by Western Christianity. But our intermediaries are our ancestral spirits. So we pray to God through them.
  Link   Reclaiming Our African Spiritual Independence: Pt.6
The political independence we claim today is hollow and incomplete until we gain spiritual independence. Africans must define our own spirituality. Our strength lies in our spiritual dimension that endures beyond the grave.
  Link   Reclaiming Our African Spiritual Independence: Pt.7
In this episode we demonstrate the critical role of spiritual independence in the development of any society.
  Link   Reclaiming Our African Spiritual Independence: Pt.8
We reclaimed our spiritual independence as Zimbabweans by invoking our ancestral spirits, who not only inspired, but led our successful struggle for independence and sovereignty.
  Link   Reclaiming Our African Spiritual Independence: Pt.9
Our spiritual agenda is particularly compromised. African Christians live an artificial religious life. There simply is no connection between the people and the religious life they are supposed to follow. It is all myth.
  Link   Reclaiming our African Spiritual independence: Pt.16
Chemists may create synthetic drugs after studying the natural ones and making exact copies.This is how most medicines are made; copying those found in nature. Brain-washed and culturally ignorant young generation Africans often despise African medic