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Dr. Edward Franklin Frazier (1894-1962)
Web Links Edward Franklin Frazier; September 24, 1894 – May 17, 1962), was an American sociologist and author, publishing as E. Franklin Frazier. His 1932 Ph.D. dissertation was published as a book titled The Negro Family in the United States (1939); it analyzed the historical forces that influenced the development of the African-American family from the time of slavery to the mid-1930s.
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  Link   Dr. E. Franklin Frazier (1894-1962)
The most prominent African American sociologist of the 20th Century. He was a harsh critic of Jim Crow as the great inhibitor of the American Dream for the “American Negro.”Best known for his work on the black middle class, Black Bourgeoisie (1957)"
  Link   E. Franklin Frazier's Study of Slavery in the U.S. and Brazil


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