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Web Links Pan-Africanism is a worldwide movement that aims to encourage and strengthen bonds of solidarity between all indigenous and diasporan ethnic groups of African descent. Based on a common goal dating back to the Atlantic slave trade, the movement extends beyond continental Africans with a substantial support base among the African diaspora in the Americas and Europe. It is based on the belief that unity is vital to economic, social, and political progress and aims to "unify and uplift" people of African descent. The ideology asserts that the fate of all African people and countries are intertwined. At its core Pan-Africanism is a belief that “African people, both on the continent and in the diaspora, share not merely a common history, but a common destiny".
  Web Link Hits
  Link   Pan-Africanism Today - Pan Africanist Brian Tamuka Kagoro
Is Pan-Africanism today any different from the brand of Pan-Africanism that we know Marcus Garvey and other black activists of their day for? What is the place of young people in today's Pan-African movement? Pan Africanist Brian Tamuka Kagoro
  Link   What does it really mean to be pan-African in the 21st century? - Dalil Djinnit
In the third and last blog of our series inspired by and dedicated to Africa Day, which marks the anniversary of the creation of the African Union, Dalil Djinnit shares his wish for the African continent to make use of its true potential.
  Link   What being African means to me - Lidet Tadesse Shiferaw
In the first of a three-part blog series, Lidet Tadesse Shiferaw explains what being African means to her.
  Link   Did pan-Africanism die with our founding fathers? - Kesa Pharatlhatlhe
In the second blog of our Africa Day series, Kesa Pharatlhatlhe explains what being African means to her, and why pan-Africanism is important for Africa’s future generations.
  Link   Panafricanism: Thomas Wakiaga | TEDxYouth@BrookhouseSchool
His TEDx talk will be on Panafricanism. He was inspired by all the history and research on the topic and where he lives. Thomas is 18 years old and is in his final year at Brookhouse School. Some of his hobbies include basketball and rugby.
  Link   What is pan-Africanism?: Birkbeck Explains
William Ackah from Birkbeck's Department of Geography explains what is meant by pan-Africanism. He says "one might describe pan-Africanism as an umbrella of movements, organisations and individuals concerned about the plight of African people around
  Link   African Leaders Deliberate on the Future of Continent at Pan-African Youth Forum
African leaders deliberate on the future of continent at Pan-African Youth Forum.
  Link   Pan-Africanism Defined (1 of 2) - Kwame Ture
The total liberation and unification of Africa under an All-African Socialist Government must be the primary objective of all Black revolutionaries throughout the world.
  Link   Pan-Africanism Defined (2 of 2) - Kwame Ture
"The total liberation and unification of Africa under an All-African Socialist Government must be the primary objective of all Black revolutionaries throughout the world.
  Link   Pan Africanism and Racism - Joe Dash
Joe Dash - Founder of the Aboriginal Health Group gives his address at The Centre's inaugural debate Is Pan Africanism Dead? Title - Reason for the Distraction: Pan Africanism & Racism
  Link   "Pan Africanism or Perish" Website
ORGANIZE your people. No generation of people has the power to do this more so then our generation. You have the power and the ability to ORGANIZE your people and it's our duty to do so. So let's study, debate the feasibility and implement these plan
  Link   PAN-AFRICANISM and the struggle of the TWO IDEOLOGIES
At first the Pan-African movement was really a Pan-Negro movement, centred in America, to unite the Negro people of Africa and America in the fight against racialism and colonialism.
  Link   The Truth about Pan Africanism, and What They won't tell You - CHARLES S. FINCH III, MD
  Link   Pan Africanism or Perish - Dr. John Henrik Clarke
  Link   Understanding Pan Africanist Philosophy Pt1 - Omowale Ru Pert-em-Hru
Author, Activist and Teacher Omowale Ru Pert-em-Hru delivers an in depth video lesson on Understanding Pan African philosophy. Taken from his much heralded book entitled Pan Afrikanism: From Programme to Philosophy: An Outlook on Liberation.
  Link   Understanding Pan Africanist Philosophy Pt 2 - Omowale Ru Pert-em-Hru
Omowale Ru Pert-em-Hru goes on to piece together The Fixed Ingredients of Scientific Socialism, what he calls the Pan Afrikan Business Plan. Taken from his book entitled Pan Afrikanism: From Programme to Philosophy: An Outlook on Liberation.