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America: History_Slavery
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  Link   African American History in the Lowcountry
Part I of a series. In "When Kings Became Slaves," historians Florida Yeldell and David Drayton explore the rice culture in America, and the burgeoning slave trade it created.
  Link   Why Did Europeans Enslave Africans?
Slavery has existed throughout history in various forms across the globe, but who became enslaved was almost always based on military conquest. So why did Europeans travel thousands of miles to enslave people from a particular geographic region?
  Link   Slavery Timeline
1619 - First Africans arrive in Virginia; 1862 September 22: President Lincoln issues Emancipation Proclamation, granting freedom to slaves in South in active rebellion on 1863; 1865 Slavery abolished in U.S. by 13th Amendment to the Constitution.
  Link   Enslavement to Emancipation (Video)
"Enslavement to Emancipation" is an informative and compelling television documentary chronicling the history of the Compensated Emancipation Act of April 16, 1862, freeing the enslaved people of Washington, DC.
  Link   Fugitive Slave Act
he Fugitive Slave Act, which became law as part of the Compromise of 1850, was one of the most controversial pieces of legislation in American history. It was not the first law to deal with fugitive slaves, but it was the most extreme, and its passag
  Link   3 Major Ways Slaves Showed Resistance to Slavery
A number of slaves actively fought against a life in bondage. Slaves in the United States used a number of measures to show resistance to slavery. Slavery created an economic system that persisted until 1865 the Thirteenth Amendment abolished practic
  Link   Journey through Slavery ep 1 of 4 - Terrible Transformation
Documentary that examines the transatlantic slave trade which took place across the Atlantic Ocean from the 16th through to the 19th centuries. The transatlantic slave trade was responsible for one of the largest forced human migrations in record his
  Link   Journey through Slavery ep 2 of 4 - Revolution
The spirit of liberty and the disruptions of the Revolutionary era encouraged African American men and women to choose sides -- both Patriot and Loyalist -- and fight to define what this nation would become.
  Link   Journey through Slavery ep 3 of 4 - Brotherly Love
Freedmen and fugitive slaves push the country to live up to the promises made in its Constitution but with the invention of the cotton gin, slavery expands into America's western frontier.
  Link   Journey through Slavery ep 4 of 4 - Judgment.Day
As tensions over slavery turn into violence, Americans are forced to consider how long the country can continue as a democracy built on the profits of bondage.