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Dr. Chancellor Williams (1893 - 1992)
Web Links Chancellor Williams was an African-American sociologist, historian and writer. He is noted for his work on African civilizations prior to encounters with Europeans; his major work is The Destruction of Black Civilization. Williams remains a key figure in the Afrocentrist discourse.
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  Link   DR. CHANCELLOR WILLIAMS - What, then, is “the view from the bridge"?
The outlook is grim. There is no bright tomorrow. The Blacks may continue to live in their dream world of singing, dancing, marching, praying and hoping, still trusting in the ultimate justice of the white man; but the white people do not have to yie
  Link   DR. CHANCELLOR WILLIAMS - At The Crossroads
You can only organize with like minded individuals. We have to look at where we are today and see where we need to go and strategize on how to get there. Truth may slowly emerge until it clearly forms itself into a truth impregnable.
  Link   DR. CHANCELLOR WILLIAMS - Organizing a Race For Action
The central problem of over 50 million Blacks in the United States is unity. Nothing will ever be achieved by such a minority group in white America, nothing that leads to real adjustment for progress, until a powerful unity movement among Blacks dev
  Link   DR. CHANCELLOR WILLIAMS - The Shape of Things to Come
Although the African may continue our present course of weakness on into the future with thousands of un-unified organizations, powerless and, therefore forever dependent like half-men and half-women unable to use our own brains.
  Link   DR. CHANCELLOR WILLIAMS - Race and History
Professor Williams published over 50 articles, professional books, and lectures. Among his publications are The Raven, The Rebirth of African Civilization, and the greatest book, The Destruction of Black Civilization.
Chancellor J. Williams, 98, a retired professor of African history at Howard University, died of respiratory failure. His books include several works of history:"The Rebirth of African Civilization" and "The Destruction of Black Civilization."
  Link   DR. CHANCELLOR WILLIAMS: The Destruction Of Black Civilization(audiobk)pt1
The Book took Chancellor Williams sixteen years of research and field study to compile. a general rebellion against the subtle message from even the most 'liberal' white authors (and their Negro disciples): 'You belong to a race of nobodies.
  Link   DR. CHANCELLOR WILLIAMS: The Destruction Of Black Civilization(audiobk)pt2
The book was written at a time when many black students, educators, and scholars were starting to piece together the connection between the way their history was taught and the way they were perceived by others and by themselves.
  Link   DR. CHANCELLOR WILLIAMS -The Destruction Of Black Civilization(audiobk)pt3