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Community Excel Religion
ImageCommunity Excel Religion, a division of Community Excel International, brings People of Faith together to generate common solutions and take collective actions to "do justice" and restore our communities. “And what does the LORD require of you but to do justice, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God?”  

Scripture describes a vision for society where God’s bounty is plentiful and shared by all, and justice flows down like a mighty river. Yet oppression, poverty, violence, corruption, injustice and despair plague our communities.

“And what does the LORD require of you but to do justice, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God?”- Micah 6:8         A similar list is found in the gospel of Matthew 23: 23, where Jesus declares the “weightier matters of the law: justice, mercy, and faithfulness.”  
Other responsibilities for 'Optimal Living' include:    1) determine the direction of civilization    2) interpret the spiritual as men and women working on the highest level of humane endeavors to understand the meaning of life while trying to improve it    3) enlist the cooperation of white, brown, yellow, red and any and all other peoples of goodwill in an all-out drive for a better world    4) maintain an emergency assistance program for families or communities in distress;
   5) assume the initiative in seeking the active cooperation of any and all religious faiths and all institutions which are concerned with improving human relations and, therefore, life itself
   6) Incorporate a new focus around Africans, the Original People
   7) develop and instill a group code of conduct
   8) build a Afrocentric alliance across religious denominations
   9) teach Afrocentric Economic Prosperity
 10) setup congregation educational and instructional center
 11) use congregations to attract and hold wealth
 12) establish congregation-based lending programs
 13) provide social and community services
 14) establish a network of protective organizations
 15) support restoration, revitalization and africanization of our culture.

Community Excel Religion is a functional division of Community Excel International, an association of congregations, organizations, businesses and volunteers for 'Optimal Living' in our communities.

To begin, we looks back to the Kemetic 'Way Of Life' of our ancient-African ancestors' to restore 'Optimal Living' in our communities. More than 5000 years ago, in a time before the European and Asian Invasions, Arab Expansion, British Colonization and Slavery, Kemet, along the lower Nile river in Africa, was the home to 30 Kemetic dynasties from 2920 BC – 332 BC before finally falling to the Roman Empire. The African Nubians were the first human race on earth and rulers of the Kingdom of Kush (Nubia). Our Kemetic ancestors adopted most of the Kushite customs and traditions. The Nubians lived along the Nile River in Northern Sudan and Southern Kemet, today Egypt. The Kemetic Pyramids are one of the 7 wonders of the world.

Our Kemetic ancestors were Africans and their skin was Black just as that of the Nubians. They were the African Kings and Queens of Kemet and Nubia. The greatness of Kemet is still being talked about and studied to this day. And, as descendants of these great Africans, we are proud of our heritage; we are proud of our history; and, we are proud of being African because we are the children of the 1st and greatest civilization that ever lived.

 Like our Kemetic ancestors, our communities:
 1) strive to live in harmony and syncretism with creation, endeavoring to achieve 'Optimal Life' for everyone and everything; sharing abundance, being life-creating and life-sustaining in all relationships, achieving expansion and growth through unity, cooperation and collaboration; and endeavoring to transform the world into a global-society for 'Optimal Living';
 2) organize and unite as a family and tribe to collectively create and share abundance and prosperity for everyone in our communities. It is communal as opposed to individualistic and self-centered;
 3) advocate collective creation and sharing of abundance and prosperity;
 4) recognize that all resources are gifts from God for which we are responsible to share and maintain;
 5) hold that everyone is entitled to food, resources and comfort by right of existence; that we are custodians of the resources of Creation. In this light we do not acknowledge or accept the destructive notion and practice of ownership of resources - earth, water, sun (light, heat), air, etc.- upon which life depends. In this light we advocate doing away with beliefs and systems that do advocate such destructive beliefs and practices;
 6) oppose systems of conquest, oppression, injustice, conflict, plunder, theft, rape, murder, immorality, destruction, exploitation and systems that generate and maintain wars, genocide, slavery, cultural and economic exploitation, destruction and debilitation of other people and the environment;
 7) reconnect to the current African civilization to achieve 'Optimal Living' globally.

Our wholistic approach includes social, economic, civic, cultural, emotional, physical, moral, judicial, educational, familial, spiritual and leadership needs in our communities.

Community Excel International's functional divisions include: Community Excel Economics; Community Excel Education; Community Excel Family; Community Excel Health; Community Excel History; Community Excel Justice; Community Excel Leadership; Community Excel Politics; Community Excel Religion; Community Excel Youth  (Please "Like" Facebook pages)

Community Excel International's geographical divisions include:
Community Excel America (Community Excel North Carolina, Community Excel Minnesota, Community Excel Tennessee, Community Excel Texas) 
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