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Equal Justice
The Sentencing Project
ImageThe Sentencing Project was founded in 1986 to provide defense lawyers with sentencing advocacy training and to reduce the reliance on incarceration. Since that time, The Sentencing Project has become a leader in the effort to bring national attention to disturbing trends and inequities in the criminal justice system with a successful formula that includes the publication of groundbreaking research, aggressive media campaigns and strategic advocacy for policy reform.
"The New Jim Crow"
ImageHow the War on Drugs Gave Birth to a Permanent American Undercaste. Ever since Barack Obama lifted his right hand and took his oath of office, pledging to serve the United States as its 44th president, ordinary people and their leaders around the globe have been celebrating our nation's "triumph over race."  Obama's election has been touted as the final nail in the coffin of Jim Crow, the bookend placed on the history of racial caste in America.
Justice for Some
ImageMass incarceration comes at a moral cost to every American. America, known the world over as the land of the free, was founded on the principle of liberty and justice for all. Our freedoms are to be envied in many respects. We have a free press and are protected by the First Amendment, which allows us to openly criticize our government.
American Justice

ImageThe American justice system is a really amazing idea, and it works most of the time. By that I mean that criminals normally go to jail, and innocent people normally do not go to jail, and people's rights are not usually abused. But nothing is perfect. Not only are mistakes made, but some features of the whole system invite and cause mistakes and abuses. I would like to comment upon the American justice system, and see what issues come up here.

"Justice For All"
What is "Justice For All"?  In essence, Justice For All is concerned with equal justice, not just in the courts, but in all aspects of society. This concept demands that people have equal rights and opportunities; everyone, from the poorest person on the margins of society to the wealthiest deserves an even playing field.
The Justics System
This first response may come from individuals, families, neighborhood associations, business, industry, agriculture, educational institutions, the news media, or any other private service to the public. It involves crime prevention as well as participation in the criminal justice process once a crime has been committed. Private crime prevention is more than providing private security or burglar alarms or participating in neighborhood watch. It also includes a commitment to stop criminal behavior by not engaging in it or condoning it when it is committed by others.
Justice is "giving to each what he or she is due."

Justice is a set of universal principles which guide people in judging what is right and what is wrong, no matter what culture and society they live in. Justice is one of the four "cardinal virtues" of classical moral philosophy, along with courage, temperance (self-control) and prudence (efficiency). (Faith, hope and charity are considered to be the three "religious" virtues.)

Leave no American behind.

We must hold on to the spirit of America, the ideals upon which this nation was built. What is that spirit? Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses who yearn to breathe free. You will not be limited because of race, sex, religion, blood line, SAT scores, or previous conditions of servitude. Here, we will provide you an even playing field and equal opportunity.
