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School Dropout
What we can do about School Dropout

Each year, more than 1.2 million students drop out of our nation’s public high schools with detrimental consequences to them, our society, our economy and civic life.

Statistics and Facts About High School Drop out Rates

Every 29 seconds another student gives up on school, resulting in more than one million American high school students who drop out every year. Nearly one-third of all public high school students—and nearly one half of all African Americans, Hispanics and Native Americans—fail to graduate from public high school with their class.

Warning Signs of Dropping Out

The following information shows certain groups of young people whose members are more likely than others to leave school before graduating.  While not everyone in these categories drops out, paying special attention to the needs of students from these groups can keep some of them in school.

Youth Who Drop Out

It has been known for many years that young people who don't complete high school face many more problems in later life than do people who graduate.  While national leaders have demanded that schools, communities, and families make a major effort to retain students, the dropout rate remains high.  A report from the Educational Testing Service, One-Third of a Nation: Rising Dropout Rates and Declining Opportunities, warns little is being done to stem rising dropout rates and their economic costs.

Consequences of our Nation’s Low Graduation Rates
The decision to drop out is a dangerous one for the student, particularly in a post=Industrial and technological age in which workers need at least a high school diploma to compete in the workforce. Dropouts are much more likely than their peers who graduate to be unemployed, living in poverty, receiving public assistance, in prison, on death row, unhealthy, divorced, and ultimately single parents with children who drop out from high school themselves.
Why Students Drop Out of High School
Considering that many of these former students understood the importance of education in fulfilling their goals and many had passing grades and only a couple of years to go, why did they drop out? There is no single reason why students drop out of high school.
Our School Dropout Crisis

Our once unchallenged preeminence in commerce, industry, science, and technological innovation is being overtaken by competitors throughout the world….The educational foundations of our society are presently being eroded by a rising tide of mediocrity that threatens our very future as a nation and a people.

Who is Dropping Out?
A survey, which again we emphasize may not in all cases mirror national statistics, paints a picture of the American high school dropout that may surprise people:
National Education Association’s 12-Point Plan
National Education Association’s 12-Point Plan for Reducing the School Dropout Crisis recommends a very similar approach:
Help Students Stay in School
While there are no simple solutions to the dropout crisis, there are clearly “supports” that can be provided within the academic environment and at home that would improve students’ chances of staying in school. While most dropouts blame themselves for failing to graduate, there are things they say schools can do to help them finish.
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