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Bank Creation Key to Black Economic Development
ImageIt is readily acknowledged that black Americans have catching up to do when it comes to income and wealth. Many people say this predicament is related to racism and discrimination.  Please, let's be objective enough to look at other factors.
The Top 4 Ways to Get Rich In America
ImageFor those that have a desire to become financially very successful the task may seem very complicated or nearly impossible.  You may see rich people all over television, or read about them in the newspaper, but trying to become one seems like a fairy tale.  Well, it’s not a fairy tale and the formula to become rich is very simple.  In fact there are really only 4 primary paths to becoming rich in America.
Wealth for Life Principles

ImageThe Wealth for Life principles are:  1. Live within your means. The nation as a whole has been living precariously on credit for far too long. Well, the bill has come due, leaving millions of families drowning in sky-high interest payments. Recovery starts with making an honest assessment of income versus debts and keeping spending strictly within the bounds of what you earn.



The Black Family’s Accumulation of Wealth Crisis: Inequalities Housing Market
ImageAccumulating wealth is a battle Black families have been fighting for centuries.  At the crux of this battle stand inequalities in housing market transactions.  Moreover, failure to gain access to reasonably priced, reasonably valued, and reasonably financed real estate is arguably the largest barrier to building wealth.[1]  Many scholars would posit that racial segregation is not an issue of relevancy in our modern society.[2]
Wealth for Life
In his essay, Black Enterprise publisher Earl "Butch" Graves Jr. explains why "economic prosperity is vital to African-American families and explains how minority families can build wealth and transfer it to future generations."

Pan-African Economics

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